The sexiness that is Jon Hamm as Don Draper! |
So I just finished watching the first season of Mad Men- I know... I know... Season 5 airs tonight. To be perfectly honest I am more intrigued by the fashion and allure of 60's more then the plot but I have spent most of the weekend watching it so it I must enjoy it. However what is better then all that is the pure sexiness of Don Draper and the other characters. I find myself watching how the ladies hold their cigarettes and the way they move their eyes and I am captivated. Sure we no longer have finishing schools (unless you're Kate Middleton) but there is a certain grace that is hard to come by nowadays. I use to take the bus to UMASS everyday and after a while you start to see the same faces. One morning a guy who I had seen several times before got on wearing a fedora... I nearly died. Before I thought he was cute but now in that hat I wanted to talk to him find out who he was and ask him why he was wearing a fedora. A few days later I saw him talking to a theater classmate but when I asked him who he was Pat had no idea who I was talking about. Fast forward 2 years- I am at a Halloween party of a friend who lives in a completely different town. Towards the end of the night in walks the guy(he has a name but I am not disclosing) I was stunned... how often does a stranger who you have seen before walk into your life so randomly? Of course I confessed my whole story and we began talking about different eras and how they have different appeals. He was shocked that I was not a Mad Men fan and I said one day I would give it a try (at the time the show seemed extremely sexist and the feminist in me was rebelling). I went on to say how sexy I thought regency era gentlemen are. I find top hats and cravats to literally be mind meltingly appealing. I do have to say as a fan of Mad Men now (and fedoras) the guy definitely gets a point for good taste. I began to think why are women attracted to accessories? Every morning I have to walk through the men's department to get to my floor and sometimes there are the most devastatingly handsome men shopping. Of course the store is marked as fashion for the "essential look" that makes you better then the rest. But I walk past the ties, the hats, the cuff links and I swoon... and they are not even on men!

Any one who knows me knows my deep passion for accessories, considering I own 40+ headband/fascinators, and clips. But there is just something undeniably sexy about men and women who dress well. That fact combined with people's innate sense of nostalgia is why women go so mad for Mad Men. I also recently watched Midnight in Paris, one character explains "Nostalgia is denial - denial of the painful present... the name for this denial is golden age thinking - the erroneous notion that a different time period is better than the one ones living in - its a flaw in the romantic imagination of those people who find it difficult to cope with the present." Hmmmm now there is something to ponder- I know I have an overly romantic imagination I mean come on... I am an actress! Whether or not it is the sexiness or the nostalgic elements of the show I still think Mad Men is worth the watch even if it is just to ogle Jon Hamm as he struts around in a perfectly tailored suit ~S~
PS I have now found this article which discusses how to pick up women with the "mad men technique"
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