Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Going Ape Shit Over Argyle

One day I see this lady talking to my coworker for ages and acting really weird. Later when I asked what was going on he said she was really insistent about getting another pair of leggings. See the thing with hosiery in general is colors are seasonal so leggings in pink for summer will not be made in fall. For people insistent on a particular color this is devastating. After a legit 45 minutes she left.... temporarily until the next day. She comes up to me
"Where are my blue socks?"
"Mam I'm not sure hold on one second"
"No this place is ridicuslous I want my socks!"
I then preceed to look for the socks in the system, on the floor, and in the stockrooms to no avail. I find the exact same argyle pattern in grey and red but she insists on the blue even pulls down off her shoes to show me. I tell her I understand what she wants I just don't have it. She starts screaming
"I want blue not grey I hate grey I want blue"
She then wants me to call another location which is gigantic and make sure they are there. Getting employees from others to stores to look for anything for you is always a big task but I agree because clearly this is important to her. She follows me over to my counter...
"Do you hear this?? I HATE THIS!!! I can't take it."
"What Mam?"
"The music this music is shit I want classical I hate this place and their shitty music. what is happening?"
I explain how i'm on hold and they're looking etc etc
"This smell I have to go to close to perfume I can't take it"
This I understand I hate being near perfume because whenever something is sprayed which is often we smell it. I explain she can wait at the other counter and I will get her when I have news. Logically I understand how stressful department stores are and totally over stimulating but that's why we have online shopping now. So as I am on hold she precedes to get ON TOP of the other counter in a fetal position rocking while trying to simultaneously cover her ears and nose. She then starts curing and kicking the air. Another customer came up and I rang her while on hold and watching to make sure the lady wasn't hurting herself. Customer number 2 just starred in disbelief. Eventually I could confirm the socks over the phone and she paid for another pair she liked. She then starts waxing poetic about how awful her life is and her senile parents I looked her straight in the eye and said "Yes Mam I know my mother died in front of me when I was 22." That made her stop she realized in that moment that others suffer too. She then praised me profusely for finding them and helping her it was like my saying that and patience changed her for that brief brief second. It was the most insane experience I have had to date at the store and one I hope never to repeat.


  1. Holy Hissyfit! I'd prob crack up laughing at her, which would have not made the situation any better lol.

  2. ya it was truly insane afterwards i laughed a lot but she was so volatile I didn't in the moment due to fear for my life!
