Friday, August 2, 2013

An Open Love Letter to the Bealtes

Dear George, Paul, Ringo, and John
        It's now year 2013 and i'm a basic 26 year old American girl attempting to live out her dreams in LA. I'm sad that I did not live during the revolution that was the British Invasion and subsequent tripped out days of the late 60's it totally would of been my jam. I wanted to send a letter of my deep appreciation for the amazing music you made together it is truly life changing. As a kid I always heard your music at the bars my parents dragged me to, blasting from the radio by the pool in the summer, and hummed by the random stranger walking by at the grocery store. It wasn't until my 20's did I really start to get into it more on my own. My best friend was a musician and we spent many a night at her gigs, friends gigs, and impromptu jam session by bonfires. When I backpacked through Europe I made sure to stop at Liverpool and check out where you lads grew up. Seeing instruments you actually played, walking down streets you traveled down, and spots your wrote about was exhilarating.

          When my Mom was dying of cancer my siblings and I would play Bealtes Rockband in our basement for hours. No one was allowed down and the C would couldn't be mentioned your music became our escape and our temporary joy. I always played guitar or bass I was super rubbish at drums. I got a kick out of trying to imitate your voices to try and get the perfect vocal score. We even did the day tripper completing the entire the game in one 24 period! We only slept 6 hours and our fingers had those insane gaming bumps on them.After she passed I would spend hours just listening to you music laying on my bed doing nothing but listening because I couldn't bring myself to do anything else.

          That Christmas I got the newly remastered entire discography that had just came out. My friend and I spent the next few days listening to the entire collection back to back leading up to new years. It was intense, fun, and at times mind boggling we both had really wanted to see the progression of the styles over time and boy did you guys really experiment and constantly explore your sound! I also listened to the entire collection (minus the Yellow Submarine Soundtrack that was only bearable once- sorry guys) on my way from Massachusetts to LA just me the long straight road west and your music. My first birthday here I ended up at a bar called Britannia where an Asian Beatles tribute band was playing and I was in heaven especially when they sang "Birthday" to me right at midnight. One older guy turned me as I danced and sang ALL the lyrics "How do you know all this" he asked. "I'm a super fan" I replied.

             The thing about the music is that there is a song for literally every mood and emotion you could be experiencing. Sometimes I would just hit Beatles shuffle and wait.... then a song would come on and I would be like "yes!" that's what I mean- those lyrics are incomparable.  "Here Comes the Sun" that first joy you feel after a long winter. "I Want You (she's so heavy) " that intense longing for someone you are so into. I could go on forever but those are my two favorites. Your sound changed so drastically over time and as you grew and changed so did the music and lyrics- the songs truly are masterpieces for the modern age. When I meet people from other countries they have Beatles stories as well and I'm enamored by the fact you have reached every inch of this plant with your music even so many years after the break up. I know if I ever have kids they will hear The Beatles as they grow and learn to love and appreciate the music as much as I do- it's a legacy I'm happy to pass down. George, Paul, Ringo, and John thank you for creating the most amazing music you've reached the heart of girl who could never thank you enough.
                                                                                                       All you need is LOVE,
                                                                                                                            Your fan Shannon ~S~

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