Saturday, August 18, 2012

My Novel

Ok I can't disclose the title because it's very revealing. I can disclose the general idea which is telling the story of my life and adventures from the end of college up until me leaving for LA. If you were in my life during this time you know that it was pretty epic. When I was talking to my new friend Colleen about my goals and ambitions as a film actress she kept asking all the devil's advocate questions about it. Eventually I disclosed that awhile back I started writing a book and I want that book to become a screenplay and turn into a movie that I can star in. Who knows how to act my story better then I do right? I said "better then having an Oscar for best actress how AMAZING would it be to have one for playing myself." Then I thought what if I got a 2nd Oscar for adapted screenplay to which Colleen added why not make it 3 and you can win best motion picture too. WOW.... now that's a mother fuckin gigantic goal and I want to take that on. The goal is to finish the novel by the end of September (super ambitious) and that I must write at least 2 paragraphs a day. Yes!!! this is a goal that at the moment takes no money just time and I am completely passionate about it. More updates to come :)


  1. Thanks Annarose - I'm super excited! Ps I've been stalking your fb and it looks like you're doing pretty good too congrats :)
