Saturday, November 17, 2012

One Year in LA Celebration

Vintage Heaven!

         So it seemed only fitting that after the Edison was closed on my birthday that it would be the perfect spot to honor my one surviving life in one of America's hardest cities- Los Angeles. In my mind I envisioned a day off frolicking around the city just appreciating it then some booze fest at night. Then I was denied the day of work so literally worked 9:30 to 6 ran home, dashed around, and fancied up. Not to mention I had to open up the counseling center at 8:30 am the next morning....(warning recipe for disaster). Some friends met at mine for dinner at my favorite local burger place and wine. We drove to the Edison which is Downtown (always a little ominous) and upon entry I was ecstatic. It could of been 1922 for all I was concerned. I was a little bummed that they shut off the vintage music and were now playing indie pop I guess?!??! We made it just in time to watch an ariel show :) I ordered The Mistress it seemed fitting. The night proceeded just like most others at a bar would. I was stopped several times and complimented on my feather and outfit. I adored the old machinery and random 20's artifacts they had scattered about the place. Eventually they opened up this private room and we went a bit picture crazy it was everything I imagined. Crystal convinced me into a round of truth or dare her favorite bar time activity. That resulted in me meeting a group of guy one which I somehow convinced to dance to "Be My Baby" as i twirled around in my flowly dress I was overjoyed. It may have been the absinthe or the fact I was so proud for having made it a year but I felt exhilarated. Afterwards we ended up in this cigar shop playing chess with checkers pieces. My big toes were blistered on 3 sides but it was worth it. I'm so happy the ladies were there to share it with me! As I literally rolled out of bed at 7:40 the next morning a mere 4 hours of rest I had no regrets.. I survived it all and celebrated in style- what more could a girl ask for?

Cheers to One Year in LA!!!

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