Saturday, April 13, 2013

Reclaiming My Heart

       What does one call a poem on a blog- is it still a poem or now a blog? or simply a poem on a blog.... After the events that have transpired this week I wrote this as an ode to my feelings and as a plan of action for my future.
Reclaiming My Heart

Today is the day I will do the impossible
I will let go of these men entirely
each part of them I have kept with me
is now released into the mystic universe
to find a home in someone new

I can no longer hold these men in my heart
there is too much suffering to contain them all
I once believed I was protecting their memory
as a token of gratitude I would still hold them dear
but what about me and my protection?

holding on feels safe and familiar
leaving no space for love to renew
we cannot keep someone en locked within us forever
no one has the right to own another’s heart
even one piece as small as it may be is too great

the heart belongs to the person beating it
they must standup to reclaim their heart

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