If your a book lover, literary type, or scrabble champion you are aware of the vast power of using the perfect word. I have always had a fondness for "out of the ordinary" vocabulary. My downfall to using words like
behoove is that I have learning disabilities that prevent me from fully being able to write my brilliant thoughts coherently and I can't spell words by sounding them out.Writing this blog has been immensely helpful because I'm writing for pleasure instead of school so I actively am trying to make my writing readable and knowing my common mistakes I am actually finding them. My passion for word play is a direct inherited ability from my father. He is so good at creating little sayings and words games, trust me if he ever challenges you to solve a wheel of fortune puzzle he WILL beat you. A few years back he came up with Carin for Karen (brilliant). I particularly remember this one time I was entering into 2nd grade and was either going to be in classroom 2A or 2B. The day my assignment arrived he asked "2B or not 2B that is the question?" Being only 7 years old I had to be explained why that is funny. Now as a 25 year old actress I can truly appreciate the beauty of the joke. I spent most of my senior year in college making up descriptive alliterations with my friend Draper about our theater department. We would amuse our selves for hours creating these little sayings and repeating key words as a secret little code when we were around people which gave us unending amusement. After college I worked with a little girl who was non-verbal. I then saw the power of body language, facial interpretations, and sounds and how they could replace meaning but not fully expression. When she would say something is had so much power because they were rare and truthful. When she used her communication device to write her choice of words sometimes would be surprising but accurate and showed her personal preferences in word selection. Do you know 80% of what we say is all from a set of "core" words we use all the time and only 20% are fringe words. You can communicate almost anything with core words instead of fringe words "get that" instead of "can I have the spatula". However even thought it is extremely affective it lacks a certain appeal and sexiness. For instance I have an attraction to using British phrases like "quite lovely" and "posh." I feel it adds a little flavor to everyday speech. Anyone who loves literature can tell you the use of one word vs another can make or break a whole idea even a whole book. In scrabble one letter can certainly make you victorious or keep you from a triple letter score. I recently got into Demetri Martin's comedy sketches. He makes little drawing and songs that are usually based on word play and it's subtle genius. When all is said and done words are sexy when you used to enhance an idea and turn something ordinary into something powerful.

Here are some fun words from different languages
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