Friday, July 19, 2013

I love Sea Otters!

It's no secret I think Sea Otters are the most precious adorable creatures on this planet besides brother/sister twins. I love that they are extremely intelligent and "its use of rocks to dislodge prey and to open shells makes it one of the few mammal species to use tools." They are all super playful and love spinning as they dart around the water. River otters are also neat but very long and not as cute. Here are some amazing videos that really represent their impressiveness...

1. In captivity then can be taught to do this...

And this....

2. They are also very loving and nurturing
3. They will play with just about anything

or even this....

5. The pups are big fluff balls that makes the most adorable/annoying squeaks

6. The way they spin is breathtaking and looks so fun!

     In my video watching I came across some people who had pet otters that they had in houses. I don't know that comes to be. I've only even seen the otters in aquariums and yet to out in the wild. The thing about sea otters is that they are going extinct. They heavy duty fur was a very profitable in the early days and used for hats. Still hunted today combined with pollution this beautiful creature is on the endangered species list. I didn't intend for the post to go this way it just did. If you feel inclined to help save these cuties you can donate to World Wildlife Federation
I wanted to share the beauty of these amazing mammals and hopefully they will brighten up you day as much as they do mine!

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