Monday, June 18, 2012

25 Things a Girl Should Do/Know at 25

25 Things a Girl Should Do/Know at 25

  1. Travel somewhere exciting preferably out of the country
  2.  Have one really shitty relationship and one that changes your world
  3. That each moment could be your last so make the most of it
  4. The difference between guys who are worth your time and guys who are not
  5. You should have tried sking/snowboarding, roller skating, motorcycling, and something that puts you high in the air parasailing/skydiving/hot air balloon/ bungie jump (note one of these things I have yet to do -good thing i’m not 26 yet)
  6. Discover what you actually think about religion and spirituality not just what you were raised to believe
  7. Find out what your passion is and take steps to make it happen
  8. Start a retirement fund- fuck this one is hard but has to be done
  9. On a similar note make a monthly budget....and stick to it
  10. Know that you make the decisions for YOUR life no one else does yes not even your mother
  11. Have decided that vegetables actually are pretty good and enjoy eating them
  12. Be able to tell when your friend is really “okay”
  13. Go skinny dipping
  14. Find at least one type of exercise that you find tolerable enough to do regularly
  15. At least 3 healthy non destructive ways to relax after a day of work
  16. Wrap a gift well, tie a tie, and fold something in origami (still need to do one of these too)
  17. How to get your own insurance, health care, lease, and bank accounts
  18. That being an adult is basically like being a teenager just with more bills and booze
  19. Be able to state your favorite movie, band, and book (yes book)
  20. Try at least one crazy outrageous food like haggis
  21. Know a good girlfriend will be there to support you no matter what even if they live 2,000 miles away
  22. Gone on one outing/ excursion/ road trip by yourself and enjoyed it
  23. That “sometimes you just have to die a little on the inside in order to be reborn as a stronger and wiser you”
  24. Sing Karokee in public and not be ashamed of it
  25. Discover who YOU are and what YOU want out of life!!!

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