Friday, June 1, 2012

My First California Earthquake!

Before I moved to LA Alex asked me what I was so scared of ??? my answer: "Insurance and Earthquakes." When I was little I was fascinated at the idea of earthquakes because it was something I never had experienced. Last year in MA we actually had an earthquake it was such a bizarre surreal few moments in time for me. I was so confused and of course since I had no previous brain schema for it I had no idea what was happening. Afterwards a few minutes of processing when I realized what it was-I was in complete disbelief an earthquake in Massachusetts? So when I got here of course I was curious what one is actually suppose to do in the case one hits. Is it like the movies where you go in a doorway? do you cover your head? At work we go over various safety protocol in case of emergencies. If there's a fire we are suppose to help the customers exit and then go to CVS.... seriously if there is a REAL fire I doubt customer service is going to be on anybody's mind. So I asked about earthquakes and got a kind of brush off answer. Later alone I pressed on "What would happen if there was a big earthquake?" The reply was "Honestly we'd all die. This whole building will concave inward because of the structure." Great so I work in basically a death trap. It was only a matter of time before an earthquake came and I have to thank the universe I was A- not at work B- it was only so tiny enough to be exciting and only a wee bit scary. So Kish and I are sitting at the table chatting when the whole shakes we both stop and freeze. She says "what's that?" I reply "An earthquake!" "Really???" then the mini after shock hit. I know this phenomenon of mother nature can be devastating and deadly but I was excited- There are so many little things I wanted to expereince here and beleive it or not that was one of them. Now I have the tale of my first and in all likelihood not my last California earthquake ~S~

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