Friday, September 14, 2012

The Night I called the LAPD

So it started off like any other night at my new job... counselors, clients, and confusion. The night before my mentor deemed me ready to go at it alone and I was borderline terrified but pretty confident in what I knew so far. Well ya know how curiosity killed the cat?? It kinda started off like that there were 3 unmarked buttons... one was white, one was red, and one was white with a "do not push please" sticky note attached to it .... in an attempt to find the one that chimes to alert the counselors their clients were there (this was a new practice and something I hadn't been trained to do).... a girl Jamie and I decided to try them out. Well needless to say one is the chime, the red locks the door automatically from the desk(which we discovered when I client got stuck trying to exit the center), and the one that polity says do not push please is a silent alarm for the LAPD. Jamie and I joked that something would happen but when they actually walked in my mouth was agape and I was beyond embarrassed. It was a larger male cop and a younger pretty but diesel looking girl. The guy laughed and said he figured it was an accident he teased me a bit and laughed it off while I apologized profusely. The chic was pissed and gave me a "you're a stupid girl look" she literally walked out the door and the guy kinda followed. I turned to Jamie "Omg what am I going to do?!??!" thinking worse case get fired best case they would tell me to not do it again. A minute later I got a call from one of the staff asking if there was an emergency because our security was alerted when the police were alerted. I made Jamie promise to not tell a soul. However by the next day it was out and the head administrator called me to her office. FEAR FEAR FEAR I was petrified! Basically she explained at the same time I called the cops a crazed gunman killer was on the loose in the area I work in. She heard it on the radio driving home and when she got the call from security was convinced the crazed killer was at the center. She called me several times but I kept putting her on hold because it was the top of the hour (I just said hold please without waiting for a response) eventually she talked to Bob who said everything was fine. As she is telling me this story i'm listening for vocal tones of anger but if never came. Basically we talked about getting our security a walkie talkie so I could communicate with him and ways to make the center more safe/user friendly. All is well that ends well I guess (thank the universe!!)

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