Friday, September 14, 2012

Types of Friends

So I was talking to my "friend" last night about the types of friendships we have in life. I brought it up because he and I have been friends for 10 years now and that is the longest straight male friend I have (which only proves how little I like/trust straight guys in general lol). For instance we don't know everything about each other but when you've seen someone change and grow and develop over a long stretch of time you can see them in a different way:
1) The Friend of Many Years: "Ya I've know that kid since pre school" This is a friend who you've shared random great times with over the course of years. There may be concentrated times where you spent more time together but in general it's the occasional hang out and text messages. You can call this friend up for parties, when you're in town.
Now a step below the Friend of Many Years is the Acquaintance:
2) The Acquittance: "It's so good to see you what have you been up to since high school?" This is the kind of person you are totally happy to see when they come across your path. There is usually little to no attempts at hanging out but when the universe creates it the whole thing is very pleasant. You may share common interests or other friends you may say "we should totally hang out" but you will NEVER actually call that person to hang out.You can call this friend for the high school reunion or to return that hat you love they borrowed 2 years ago.
3) The Fun Friend: "There is going to be an awesome kegger on the beach you should totally come." This friend is THE person you want to go to when you need a night you will never forgot. They know how, when, and where to have the time of your life. They may kinda bail on your stuff and defeiently won't walk your dog but they will give you a night you will always remember or never remember depending on how good the night. You can call this friend for any thing you would deem epic.
4) The Situational Friend: "She was my best friend in College... I don't really see her anymore." We all have a bunch of these friends from the various points in our life. During that period of time you do everything together but once you graduate, move etc.. you will rarely ever speak to them again. They are your friend in that situation only. You can call them for that span of time and never again. 
5) The Close Friend: "I love her she's awesome we totally go to yoga every week together" This friend is someone who know most of your dirty secrets and still likes you. Many hours sipping tea and chatting have created a nice bond and if anyone ever asked you would swear your fondness for them. However this friend probably would forget your siblings name and might not know anything about your childhood but you can still count on them. You can call them for everything but the serious stuff.
6) The Best Friend: "I know this sucks but will you help me move?" You can depend on the best friend for pretty much anything. They will help you do the shit NO ONE wants to help anyone do or listen to shit NO ONE wants to hear for the billionth time you've said the woes of stupid shitty boyfriend- you listen because you care and they do the same a best friend is a solid friend. You can call this friend for almost anything and they will be there.
7) The Forever Friend: "We have been through everything together...even hell.. and I still love them" This is the person who is at your mother's funeral and sneaking in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for you. They helped you move 3 times and you probably spent at least one month not talking to each other at some point. You've fought made up and have gone through any conceivable situation together. You can count on them for pretty much anything and they will have your back till the day you die. You can call this friend anytime any hour, of any day, and they will always be there.

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