Monday, July 2, 2012

Sex Panther, VIP, and Grinding with your Boss

Sex Panther is behind that bush I swear!
If you know me I am of the go big or go home philosophy - I may not party often but when I do I make it count. Last Sunday I went a little crazy at a friend's kickball league booze fest where you play all the best drinking games and I participated in my first ever tornado= epic. I even kicked ass at pool with my cute partner proclaiming "That's my girl"....why is that so sexy???? Fast forward to Friday Kish has an interview at this club the Belasco in downtown where afterwards you could invite friends. There really is nothing more amazing then being on a list. Going down a secret alley saying a code name to someone who proceeds to let you in when 2 seconds ago they said "no one comes in this way." Ya I do - why -I'm on the list :) I walked into this AMAZING old theater that now is a club. I was instantly transported back to the first time I ever went to a club when I was 16. It was the dirtiest sketchiest place my naive little  self had ever encountered and I hated it. In general clubs still aren't my thing- give me a good conversation over a glass/pint with live music and I will be much happier. However being in a restricted VIP area with bottle service does have a way of making the whole thing more enjoyable. It was the night Sex Panther was spinning so the club was decked out in random jungle decoration and a giant giraffe. The up-lighting made this old theater look magical and the bass literally was so intense it was making my heart flutter. I think everyone wants to feel special now and again and being VIP certainly fills that need (temporarily). I considered this a warm up for Saturday because I was reminded:
Belasco Up-lighting
  1. Clubs are insanely hot wearing pants equates to death
  2. The smaller the outfit the more men will hit on you
  3. Pre game because damn drink prices (when you're paying) are frickin high 
Balcony overlooking Downtown
In the am I was up super early to go to chant. Then worked till 9:15 On my break I had a makeup artist from Chanel do my makeup and she did a super sexy smokey eye and nude lip look- it was awesome. Lea and I rushed back to get ready, grabbed local burgers from my favorite place (she threw in free fries!), and decided on outfits.  We were ready and few flirty words got us in for free even thought after 11 we were suppose to pay regardless of the fact we were on the list. It was INSANE to see my coworkers outside of work. I found out one colleague was gay, met my friend's husband, saw one girl really drop it like it's hott. We were right across from the staples center and I could see all the XGames trucks packing stuff. Downtown glittered and a cool breeze saved us from the heat. I danced with one of my bosses and it just further proves to me you can usually determine someones generation by the way they dance. My other boss and I were full on dance battling and getting low - crazy. The best part was being with the girls just having fun dancing sexy to hip hop, swaying to salsa, and letting off steam by just rockin the dance floor. Heels that I normally wear for hours killed me... my feet are literally bruised and blistered but it was worth it . I even got down with the birthday boy himself to which he said "You weren't kidding you really do have moves" ahahha yes (espadrille wedge) I do have moves. 3 epic nights in one week was seriously necessary after  the non stop working I have been doing to make up for my trip home and I needed to let loose. I woke up the next morning and thought "wow that was a crazy dream" and then I remembered it wasn't a dream it's just my crazy life.