Thursday, July 12, 2012

Who the &!*$/ Did I Marry?

I am seriously sooooooo blown away by the show Who the Bleep did I Marry? It so frickin outrageous. Basically these women were in relationships where the men they were married to had INSANE secret identities like being a spy, married to 6 other women, bank robbers etc. Most often they had no idea?!?!?!?! I am trying REALLY heard not to judge them because I know what its like to be swept in something that isn't based on something real but a Cuban spy?!?!? The narrator says "4 days after the first date he proposed" which jumps into this ladies explanation "and I was astounded and I said yes I swept up in the excitement of the whole experience I felt like finally my turn had come that the knight had shown up on his shiny horse." That is not sane rational behavior even for a dreamer like me. Of course the men see these women as pray The Art of Seduction clearly point per point shows you how you can seduce anyone but these men are like instinctual venomous snakes on the hunt. Society programs us to believe there is the knight and he will come and life will be awesome and perfect and that is epically delusional. Why don't we understand that?!?!? It's 2012 not 1634 we don't need knights... build your own epically awesome life story alone and you will never be swindled for 272,000 by's a better investment then his "business deals." If you have netflix this is worth a watch for the pure audacity of it all and to learn a good lesson! 

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