So it's a fact that when girls are talking about guys their girlfriends haven't met they create nicknames. It's difficult when you haven't met someone to remember stories/characteristics/ their name so we often invent nicknames, like a code when girl talk is in order. This also works great when your in public because no one but the parties involved know who is being discussed. So my room mate loves rocker androgynous type of guys and I have not met any of them. SO she is always telling me these stories about these random people so today we were trying to differentiate between two guys one who looks like Dave Navarro and the other who has the middle name of Jesus and this is how the conversation went:
SC: His name is Jesus?!?!?
PV: His middle name is Jesus
SC: Jesus is Dave Navarro
PV: No Bora is Dave Navarro
SC: Oh...and Jesus is the hard cock?
PV: Yes!
Then we were laughing sooo much we couldn't even talk. The thing is she met this rockstar who was claiming he was "classic LA" not "New LA" meaning he's a classy gentleman. Sure being playful and silly is all part of the game but if your classy you do not say this after just meeting someone....
Actual Proof |
we have been laughing for ages. Here people say one thing and do the opposite I guess that's everywhere really but it is especially prominent in LA. Be classy at least take a girl on a date first! Needless to say the rommie has a brilliant payback plan! As the infamous Ron Burgundy says "Stay Classy!" :) ~S~