The Lotus Flower Booms and Seeds Simultaneously |
So what does Honin Myo mean?!? This is one of my favorite Buddhist sayings...it means from this point on. Whatever happened is in this past from this very moment you will start again looking towards the future. Holding on to my past and the way things once were has always been a big issue for me. If you know me you know I use to over dramatize, romanticize, and generally lived in a self deluded mind set(still do to an extent???). Much of that changed when I became a Buddhist. I have a great quote hanging in my room that reads "Do not dwell in the past Do not dream of the future Concentrate the mind on the present moment." When my Mom died I saw how precious and short life really is. If I die at 48 from a rare cancer I want to know I lived every damn moment of my life to the fullest no regrets Non, je ne regrette rien. I want my life to have meaning and have been beneficial to others in some way. I want to be a film actress who inspires others to strive for and achieve their dreams. For the past 2 months I have been actively trying to go through my human revolution and take full responsibility for my current life state (poor, lonely, not acting, not respected) and change myself to in turn change my environment. This is a fundamental Buddhist idea that you are a reflection of your life and only you have the power to change your own situation. It's really hard for me to see people who always play the victim poor me, this always happens to me, etc etc I know my current situation isn't great but I am working to improve it and myself. I want people to know that I knew it would be hard coming out here alone and it turned out to be much harder then I anticipated but although it is taking more time then I wanted I am not giving up Honin Myo from this point on....~S~
Thank you.. Honin Myo is my favourite saying too!!!