Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Point of No Turning Back

When it comes time to make a decision there inevitably is always a moment in time where the decision is in the balance. I always knew and planned for moving to LA but I remember trying to put my foot down on the gas to pull away from my childhood house and was stuck. 4 1/2 hours into the drive I nearly turned around I actually pulled over and had to tell myself it was just fear and that I could do anything. Since that moment I have not looked back once with regret because even if nothing ever happens here ever I did it. I think all kinds of relationships hit that point at some point to. Especially in dating I think you can always trace it to a moment you thought I could love this person or I could never love this person then all the rest of it is details. I think sometimes we try to trick ourselves or give false reasons for why we made the decisions we did but in the end we always knew from the beginning. If you listen to your heart truly you will know what the right decision is, always. ~S~


  1. It's okay Shannon...*I* am excited that you're coming back here. <3

  2. has the secret commentary to my blogs begun?!?!? lol I love you ~S~
