This is what most people think. I think: what can I do to get my needs met? |
I would like to pose a a question: when one is in survival mode are you really being selfish or just doing what is necessary to survive? I like many women have spent a good chunk of my time taking care of others and not always myself. I spent an entire year dedicating all my energy to a little amazing girl as her teacher, friend, and advocate. She really loved me unconditionally in a way that was so pure and truthful. She never asked me to devote myself in that way just like kids don't ask parents to give up their wishes in order to get what they want, a trip to Disney vs a trip to Europe for instance. When I was driving to LA I had A LOT of time to think... when your alone in a car with just your thoughts for 8 hours you learn things. One thought that came to mind was that at some point I knew people would feel I left them. For me it was never a question of coming or not coming here it was just a matter of when, I had decided that when I was 16. I haven't been the best supporter of friends since I've been here I actually feel like maybe I have cut people off. I didn't intend any malice but it's just that I only have so much energy and I need to devote that to succeeding and living here. Since everyday is a constant battle to come out the other side alive and well it leaves no time to focus on anything petty. Yes that is a selfish statement but it also is somewhat about self preservation.
S Size Up The Situation (surroundings, physical condition, equipment, & supplies)
U Use All Your Sensuous, undue haste makes waste
R Remember Where You Are
V Vanquish Your Fear and Panic
I Improvise
V Value Living
A Act Like The Natives
L Live By Your Wits, But For Now, Learn Basic Skills
I am a humanitarian through and through last month I joined a group solely dedicated to being of service to others so I am in no way advocating egocentricity. However I do believe your 20's is about finding out who you are and what is your purpose on this planet. I believe and have always believed that my purpose is to inspire and engage others through my acting. Whenever someone said "oh don't you want a backup plan?" or "do you know most actors are penniless?" it never swayed me in the least. Sure in 10 years from now I may have changed my mind about the whole thing but for now there is nothing that could persuade me to stop trying to be a film actress. I knew the price would come with many sacrifices- missing holidays, major life events, and even the everyday small things amongst close friends. I am trying to find a balance between selfishness and survival and I'm chanting to find that equilibrium.
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